Stage Managing is one of, if not, the most difficult things to do in theatre and actually be good at(live mixing a rock musical is the next IMO). I've done it numerous times though now and still don't think I'm anything terribly special when it comes to that. However, I have always strived to do my best, be there for my actors and the show (both of which come first) and made sure I had the big things down by the time it came to tech. I'm sorry but not calling places before launching into the top of a show is completely unacceptable. When you have lost the respect of all of your actors and the majority of your production staff, how do you keep a show afloat? Let's not pat ourselves on the back for getting one thing right when we've fucked up the previous 7. It's not your job to come up with excuses for things not working, its your job to take the blame, even when your board op fell asleep. (Not that anyone would ever do that during a show)
Was today the worst tech I've ever been a part of? No, that honor goes to one of the KidSstuff shows from this summer. But its one of the most stressful I've had in college. And it really shouldn't be frustrating to me, I have 4 cues. (I had 6, I cut 2 today) But seeing the looks of confusion on the faces of the actors in the show just made me hurt and not want to do this again tomorrow.
There is a show in there somewhere, we just need to find it. The actors are doing their job, now we have to help them like we promised. This is my common belief when it comes to technical theatre. Its all about the story and message we as a whole are trying to instill into the audience. No matter how aggravating they can be at times (sorry guys, its true, hell, I am when I'm on that side) actors and the main vessel of communication. Sure a few cool effects and music could get a message across, but not with as much emotion.
And for the record, I'm not writing this post because I don't have the balls to say this is person. I know this isn't the best way to do this probably, but it needs to be said. If you want to take it up with me, come to me tomorrow, I'll gladly tell you to your face. Or better yet, come to me tomorrow and ask for help, I've been there. I have knowledge that the professors won't give you because it comes from working with them for as long as I have.